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Estate & In Memory

The Blueboy Archives & Cultural Arts Foundation is a 501 (c)(3) tax-exempt

non profit organization.  Any donation that you contribute is eligible for a tax deduction based on the value of the donation.  This includes gifted items in addition to the costs incurred when shipping items to BACAF.  We recommend consulting your accountant or tax attorney for further information on how your contributions can benefit your tax filings.

Verification of our tax-exempt status is available by visiting the IRS Tax Exempt Organization Search. EIN: 82-2647291

If you are donating items, we suggest you consult The Society of American Archivists or an appraiser prior to donating, as they may be able to provide a value on your items.  We cannot issue advice or valorize your gifted items.

We also recommend that you contact the Internal Revenue Service at 1800.TAXFORM for information on non-cash charitable contributions, Publication 561 (Determining the Value of Donated Property) Publication 526 (Charitable Contributions) and Form 8283 (Non-Cash Charitable Contributions).

* Estate donors are required to complete and sign our Deed of Gift Form.  This form transfers all rights that the donor is gifting to our organization.  If you choose to place restrictions on the item(s), please indicate on the form.  Restrictions are uncommon but sometimes include limited access.  

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Our work at Blueboy Archives and Cultural Arts Foundation honors the past in preparation for the future.  In this spirit, your contributions can follow suit by remembering us in your estate planning:


•  In Memory gifts honor your loved one, a friend, family member and community.


•  Bequests in the forms of items, dollar amounts, artwork, memorabilia, residual or percentage of an estate, personal items such as diaries, letters, papers and transfers of copyrights.

•  Charitable Remainder Trusts 

In most cases, a bequest may reduce estate taxes      

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